M.S. by Research program

The M.S. (by Research) program offered by the Center for Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development (CETSD) at IIT Jodhpur aims to equip graduates with expertise in new and emerging areas of Technologies for Sustainable Development, focusing on sustainability within the realms of Water, Solid waste management, Public health, Urban planning, Wastewater, and Energy. The program encompasses a wide range of traditional and emerging technologies, including energy-efficient water treatment, wastewater treatments, solid waste management, public health, sustainable development, and natural resource management. Students pursuing their M.S. (by Research) will be encouraged to work on projects aligned with theĀ United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, utilizing innovative sustainable technologies and fostering participatory processes. These initiatives will demonstrate sustainability as integral to new product and technology developments. More information on the specific SDGs addressed by students in their research projects can be foundĀ here.

Shortlisted Candidates_MS by Research CETSD_Jan 2024

Interview Reporting details_MS by Research CETSD_Jan 2024

Syllabus for interview details_MS by Research CETSD_Jan 2024